October 29, 1994 is the date which i was born.
And two days ago is October 29, 2011 soo i have a birthday. At the morning i just thinking that all of my friend forget about my birthday, there's not message on my phone, no birth greeting on 12 o'clock like when i am 16 years old.
I really remember my 16 years old birth. I get three surprise and i'm soo happy with that, i get a lot of birthday greet, a special birthday's greet from my lovely exbf, his name is ardi. Eventhough i do not love him anymore but i just want him too say 'happy birthday' to me.
That day, there's a event on my school. They called it 'bulan bahasa'. When i arrived on my school, i get alot "happy birthday' words. But on fact i do not really happy with that, there's two boys which i miss the most dont give that word too me. Their name is ardi and a'ibe.
Okay forget that, even i tell you many times about my disappoitment its cannot change anything. Soo i just want to say a lot of thanks to my bf in my school, we called our name "Gecul". Spend a lot time with Gecul is the best gift for me. In the morning on the school, In the day we play in Moudy's house and on the night we're attended kalista's party and go back to my house again.
And than i'm really really shocked when my friend from my old school come to my house on Sunday. They come when i slept, and when i woke up i really shocked, theres rara astrid bagus and harianto on my house bring a donuts and a big red candle. I cannot say anything when they sing a birthsong. And then we go to the Margocity, hang out together.