April 07, 2012

giveaway from Sabila Anata the pastel girl !

cc readers, Sabila Ananta from the Pastel Girl giving away 3 pairs of UP wedges for FREE for 3 lucky girls!!

Shoes has always been a girl's best friend. And eventually her favorite best friend.

So this month is totally ur month cos i will be GIVING AWAY 3 PAIRS OF UP WEDGES for FREE for 3 lucky girls!!

And it gets better! Cos u can CHOOSE UR OWN FAVORITE PAIR! Yeaaaaay!

Awesome month is awesome! >.<

But before the awesomeness starts, i'm going to tell u a bit about UP.
If u happen to live in Indonesia, i guess this brand is pretty much familiar to u. Am i correct? UP is the brainchild of Diana Rikasari (yes, the well-knowned fashion blogger :)) that was established in the end of year 2010, with hopes to spread happiness around the world. With their mantra "Not too high not too low, just the right dose", UP wants to see you walking happily with it's shoes, because you know you’ve got the right shoes on. And by being happy, they ensure that you feel good about it.
For every pair of UP shoes you purchase, IDR 5.000 goes directly to scholarship for low-income children.
So their main goal is to Sell,Share and Care :)
 The collection itself is very variable with so many designs and colors, but still very original. Each shoe has its own personality :) They have 63 pairs of shoes for u to choose ur favorite pair that suits u best!!

So let's get this started
All you need to do for the giveaway is:

1. Make sure you've followed this blog via blogger
(if you don't have a blog it's ok! Cos u can also follow my blog from ur twitter/yahoo account :) )

2. Pick your favorite pair of UP wedges HERE

3. FOLLOW UP's twitter account

4. Leave comment in this post with format:
    Favorite UP wedges: 
    I have followed ur blog and UP's twitter account.

Sabila Anata 
@sabilaanata ( NO, this is not my twitter account. i don't have one, this is just an example)
I have followed ur blog and UP's twitter account.

For extra entries:  

1. You could post this giveaway link on your blog

2. Tweet about this giveaway!
"Let's join Sabila Anata's giveaway to win FREE @iwearup wedges here:  http://sabilanata.blogspot.com/2012/04/its-giveaway.html! "

3. Don't forget to leave another comment everytime you tweet / post it,
with your name & your tweet/post link.

Sabila Anata - I've posted this on my blog!

Sabila Anata - I've posted this on my twitter!
(this is just an example)

 If you tweet & also post it on your blog, please enter it on separate entry / comments. Each of your tweets can be counted as 1 entry, so tweet as much as you can to expand your chance of winning & don't forget to leave your tweet link on the comment box. ;)
Ohyaa for those of u who don't have a blog, u STILL CAN JOIN THIS GIVEAWAY. Just post the comments using ur NAME and URL.
The winners will be chosen randomly via random.org, and announced at 12 APRIL 2012.
Pretty much everyone ( especially girls, but guys can also join loh......) can join the fun!
 So cross ur fingers aaaaand goodluck! :D
 -Sabila Anata-

 click her site on http://sabilanata.blogspot.com !

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