December 19, 2012


Ini dia lomba yang aku tunggu.

Check this out! 

Are you new to photography or already an established photographer? No problem! We want to see your photos! 

Here is YOUR opportunity to capture youth employment issues and highlight the challenges young women and men face in the work place, as well as their resilience and innovation for overcoming the challenges. 

In a creative and original way your photo(s) should capture youth at work (different places and conditions) and highlight employment challenges and resilience. Issues related to the themes of: poor working conditions; gender barriers; discrimination; informality; entrepreneurship; working poverty; migration; precarious work; rural economy, among others, are welcomed. Look around you! 

Among the aspects sought from the photos are reflections of:
  • Enthralling, enlightening and edifying moments of young workers/ job seekers; 
  • Indiscernible and hidden moments that provide insights into young workers/jobseekers’ experiences in the labour market; 
  • Uplifting, contagious enthusiasm and inimitable energy of young job seekers/ workers; 
  • Visions and expectations of young people. 
  • You are allowed to submit up to a maximum of 5 photos. Submissions must be in by 12:00 midnight (Europe Central Time) of 15 April 2013. Entries submitted after this date won’t be considered. 
  • To enter you must be aged 18 years or older and be a resident in the eligible countries. Please see country eligibility list; 
The ILO Youth Employment Programme is launching a photo contest focusing on young people at work. The photo contest has been organized in partnership with the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest, and financed by The MasterCard Foundation.

The objective of the contest is to highlight the challenges young people face in the workplace, as well as innovative ideas to address them. Photos submitted by participants should capture youth at work (in different places and under various conditions) in a creative and original manner. Photographers are invited to focus specifically on working conditions, gender barriers, discrimination, informality, entrepreneurship, working poverty, migration, precarious work, and the rural economy, among others. 

A jury will award a total of five prizes in two categories:
Global: A selection made from all photo entries
1) Best photo: USD 1000
2) Second best photo: USD 500
3) Youth prize (entries of persons aged 18-29 years): USD 800

Regional: A selection made from photo entries from the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region
4) CEE best photo: USD 1000
5) CEE youth prize (entries of persons aged 18-29 years): USD 800

The winning photos will be displayed in an online photo exhibition.

Participants are invited to submit up to a maximum of five photos per person by no later than 15 April 2013 at 23:59 (European Central Time) with the Official Entry Form. Submissions from all around the world are welcome. 

Terms and conditions
  • A maximum of 5 photos may be submitted by a photographer; 
  • Photographers must be the sole author of the entries and hold all intellectual property rights to them; 
  • To participate in the contest, photographers must be aged 18 years or older and residing in the eligible countries. Please see country eligibility list; 
  • To enter the contest – ALL entries must include the OFFICIAL ENRTRY FORM and must submit photos via email to stating full name, age, sex and country; 
  • • The photographers must have received permission in writing from the subject(s) in the photos agreeing to the terms and conditions of the “WORK4YOUTH” photo contest; 
  • Photos must be submitted with a title, date shot, location and caption.
  • Entries will only be accepted in digital format and must not be digitally enhanced or manipulated in any way; 
  • Image files should be 10 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or .jpg format, and must be at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image);
  • Photos that have won awards in other photographic contests will not be considered; 
  • Photos that have been published will not be considered; 
  • Photos must be sent by 23:59 Midnight (Europe Central Time) of 15 April 2013;
  • Employees of the ILO are not eligible to participate in the contest; 
  • When entering the photo contest photographers agree to the terms and conditions. Legal matters 
  • The participants grant the International Labour Organization (ILO), its partners and other UN agencies as well as other persons or entities authorized by the ILO, a free of charge, non exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual, worldwide license to use the copyright, related rights or any other intellectual property rights that have arisen by law or will arise by law in the prepared and submitted photos. The ILO is entitled to publish the photos, but has no obligation to do so. The ILO accepts no responsibility for technical or other disturbances that may impede the submission of your photo(s). By submitting your photo(s), you accept these Entry Rules and Conditions. The ILO expressly reserves the right to exclude photos if participants breach these Entry Rules and Conditions or in case of a corresponding cause or suspicion.

Here is how you can submit your PHOTOS
  • You must send your photo(s) via email to
  • When sending photos, YOU MUST insert your age and country of residency in the SUBJECT BOX. Photo(s) will NOT be accepted if this information is not provide in the subject box; 
  • You must fill out and submit the OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM and agree to the terms and conditions of the photo contest (see below); 
  • Each photo should include the following information: Title, date shot, location, caption (maximum 100 words) explaining what the picture portrays. Judging 

A panel of judges will evaluate photos based on:
  • Relevance to the objective of the contest; 
  • Photo composition/lighting; 
  • Originality; 
  • Caption; 3 Exhibition 
  • The winning photos and other outstanding photographs will be selected for an online exhibition on the ILO website; 
  • After judging, all photographers whose work is selected for the on-line exhibition will be notified. 

A picture says a thousand words. Be visible! Let this contest be a fruitful one!
(Informasi di atas adalah hasil coppy paste dari )

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