February 10, 2013

You there?

A poem was assembled from thousands of wisdom word.

A narrative assembled from several words, even though it was just a combination of 10 or even 5 words.

But movie can be assembled with little notes which made every day, not wise even meaningless. That's what I do now.

I don't want to make a movies, not to create a narrative or even make poetry. This is just an effect from a bottle of caffeine which i drink like mineral water.

It's easy to start a new paragraph even start a new page.

Have been two years or more I wrote, or rather shared with you all. Sharing the story of what I saw, what I like even what I feel.

How child she is! a woman who already hold an id tells about how upset she is, when hurt by a man.

But she has now found what he was supposed to find.

Introverts. It is not always negative.

Being alone. Not always painful.

Standing by her feet it what she is supposed to do.

This does not mean I'm in a box and stuck. I have someone in my life, I was not alone, for sure I'm not in a sad state.

I just was in a big circle, and try to make a small loop in it.

Is it a narration? No, it's just a small note.

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