hey cc readers, you must now that tonight is the last day of 2011 and the first day of 2012 will come.
and now i know what i want on 2012
> aku mau lulus dengan nilai bagus, semoga tuhan ngasih kepintaran ke aku dan aku akan berusaha keras (•̀_•́)ง
> aku mau aku yang duluuu, gaya ku yang duluu, bukan rika yang sekarang yang di rancang sama orang-orang
> aku mau masuk STIS! wish me luck
> kalau emang kata-kata orang indigo yang kemaren malem ada di acara bukan empat mata, aku mau keluarga ku selamat dari bencana yang mereka bilang, aku mau aku dan keluarga aku bisa merubah keadaan yang sekarang dan bisa memudahkan kita dalam beribadah, amien yaallah (˘ʃƪ˘)
walaupun cuma 4 tapi bagi aku itu sangat berharga, dengan keempat itu aku bisa membahagiakan mama papa dan aku bisa sukses jadi bisa ngebales yang udah dikasih sama keluarga besar mama aku :)
byeeeee 2011
welcome 2012, be the best year ever !!!!!!
December 31, 2011
December 28, 2011
welcome 2012
there's jus a few days again new year will come. so lets say hi to 2012
hem i have two question:
1. where do you want to spend your new year eve?
2. do you have a goals for next year?
i'll be happy if you answer that question ♥♥♥
hem i have two question:
1. where do you want to spend your new year eve?
2. do you have a goals for next year?
i'll be happy if you answer that question ♥♥♥
December 08, 2011
on exam!
it has been two days the exam done, it's still five days again. but i just happy because i can done the exam on the first and the second day. tha subject are math, indonesian language, history and physics.
math has been done and i do it all by my self, so indonesian language did. History it's 100% sure i will get good score because i've been learn all of the question on the morning at 4am, and it's not useless, is it?
and the last is physics, for physics it's an extra fight. on the monday night, i went to my friends house. her name is muti. she more clever than me, and i asked her to teach me about the material which is will come up on the exam. and thanks God! i can do that test. i just happy because i can done the exam by myself.
so , i hope i will be success on the next text tomorrow. english language and IT. WISH ME LUCK!
math has been done and i do it all by my self, so indonesian language did. History it's 100% sure i will get good score because i've been learn all of the question on the morning at 4am, and it's not useless, is it?
and the last is physics, for physics it's an extra fight. on the monday night, i went to my friends house. her name is muti. she more clever than me, and i asked her to teach me about the material which is will come up on the exam. and thanks God! i can do that test. i just happy because i can done the exam by myself.
so , i hope i will be success on the next text tomorrow. english language and IT. WISH ME LUCK!
December 04, 2011
fashion tips (gogirl magazine) - multifunctional loose top
Loose Top, pasti tau kan? Karena ukuran baju yang melebih badan kita 2 atau 3 kali lipat bukan berarti kita nggak bisa tampil stylish dengan baju ini, justru banyak yang bisa kita lakukan dengan baju ini. Coba deh tips dibawah ini! |
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ma femme
this photo taken the day after my birthday in pictangel @margocity
astrid alfira - rachma assalasaning (rara) - me
astrid alfira - rachma assalasaning (rara) - me
fact of coffee
1. Kafein bisa membunuhmu
Terutama jika kamu sangat manikak kopi, yakni menenggak kopi 80-100 cangkir sehari. Jadi jangan coba-coba ya.
Terutama jika kamu sangat manikak kopi, yakni menenggak kopi 80-100 cangkir sehari. Jadi jangan coba-coba ya.
2. Kopi bisa juga baik buatmu
Studi membuktikan bahwa kita bisa mendapatkan antioksidan dari kopi, cukup satu atau dua cangkir kopi sehari, sudah bermanfaat. Jika tidak suka kopi, bisa coba teh hitam.
Studi membuktikan bahwa kita bisa mendapatkan antioksidan dari kopi, cukup satu atau dua cangkir kopi sehari, sudah bermanfaat. Jika tidak suka kopi, bisa coba teh hitam.
3. kafein bisa meningkatkan gairah seks perempuan
Ini baru terbukti pada tikus percobaan. Menurut ilmuwan, pada manusia kopi dapat meningkatkan pengalaman seksual namun hanya pada mereka yang tidak maniak kopi.
Ini baru terbukti pada tikus percobaan. Menurut ilmuwan, pada manusia kopi dapat meningkatkan pengalaman seksual namun hanya pada mereka yang tidak maniak kopi.
4. Kafein bisa mengurangi rasa sakit
Dosis sedang kopi, setara dengan dua cangkir kopi, mampu meredakan rasa sakit di otot setelah olah raga, demikian menurut sebuah studi kecil. Tapi lagi-lagi ini hanya berlaku buat mereka yang bukan pecandu kopi.
Dosis sedang kopi, setara dengan dua cangkir kopi, mampu meredakan rasa sakit di otot setelah olah raga, demikian menurut sebuah studi kecil. Tapi lagi-lagi ini hanya berlaku buat mereka yang bukan pecandu kopi.
5. Kafein bisa bikin kita begadang
Buat yang ingin melek semalaman akan terbantu dengan kopi. Yang tidak, sebaiknya meminum kopi enam jam sebelum jam tidur agar tidak terganggu jam istirahatnya.
Buat yang ingin melek semalaman akan terbantu dengan kopi. Yang tidak, sebaiknya meminum kopi enam jam sebelum jam tidur agar tidak terganggu jam istirahatnya.
6. Kopi yang dekafein pun mengandung kafein
Walaupun istilahnya dekafein, alias bebas kafein, tetap saja kopi tersebut mengandung kafein. Kalau kita minum 10 cangkir kopi dekafein, sama saja dengan minum satu-dua cangkir kopi kafein.
Walaupun istilahnya dekafein, alias bebas kafein, tetap saja kopi tersebut mengandung kafein. Kalau kita minum 10 cangkir kopi dekafein, sama saja dengan minum satu-dua cangkir kopi kafein.
7. kopi dekafein menggunakan bahan kimia
Untuk mengurangi kadar kafein pada kopi dekafein, digunakan bahan kimia bernama methylene chloride.
Untuk mengurangi kadar kafein pada kopi dekafein, digunakan bahan kimia bernama methylene chloride.
8. Kafein itu bukan bagian yang berasa pahit
Banyak orang mengira, makin pahit rasa kopi, makin banyak kandungan kafeinnya. Tidak, sebab kafein bukanlah komponen yang rasanya pahit.
Banyak orang mengira, makin pahit rasa kopi, makin banyak kandungan kafeinnya. Tidak, sebab kafein bukanlah komponen yang rasanya pahit.
9. Kopi yang bagus tergantung pada pembakaran dan peracikannya
Jika ingin kopi bercitarasa nikmat, maka yang paling menentukan adalah proses pembakaran dan racikannya. Selama pembakaran, minyak yang tersimpan dalam biji kopi akan keluar. Makin banyak minyak ini keluar, makin kuat rasa kopinya. Munculnya kandungan kafein tergantung pada lamanya air berada di bagian dasar. Pembakaran yang makin lama juga menghasilkan kafein makin banyak.
Jika ingin kopi bercitarasa nikmat, maka yang paling menentukan adalah proses pembakaran dan racikannya. Selama pembakaran, minyak yang tersimpan dalam biji kopi akan keluar. Makin banyak minyak ini keluar, makin kuat rasa kopinya. Munculnya kandungan kafein tergantung pada lamanya air berada di bagian dasar. Pembakaran yang makin lama juga menghasilkan kafein makin banyak.
10. Kopi ditemukan oleh kambing
Satu milenium silam, di pegunungan Afrika, sekawanan kambing terjaga semalaman setelah makan biji kopi merah. Sang penggembala memeriksa kenapa itu terjadi dan menemukan bahwa penyebabnya adalah kopi. Sejak itu manusia mulai ikutan minum kopi.
Satu milenium silam, di pegunungan Afrika, sekawanan kambing terjaga semalaman setelah makan biji kopi merah. Sang penggembala memeriksa kenapa itu terjadi dan menemukan bahwa penyebabnya adalah kopi. Sejak itu manusia mulai ikutan minum kopi.
December 03, 2011
a gift
i want to tell ypu about a gift which is gave from my close friend. They give me a birthday's greet video. I want to upload the video but i don't have enough balance. Soo, i will upload that video soon
December 02, 2011
"If you were happy before someone came in your life, you can also be happy after they leave" - @teenagerbook
"Being single doesnt mean you are weak , it means your strong enough to wait for what you deserve" - @OMGiQuoteTeen
November 23, 2011
just write #2
Here we go, this time i want to write about a short thing of life, keep rool cc readers :*
Sebenernya hidup gabisa diartikan satu demi satu, hidup ga memiliki arti yang pasti. Setiap orang memaknai kehidupan dengan berrbeda – beda. Tapi bagi aku kehidupan itu kesempatan, dinamika kehidupan itu pengalaman dan pengalaman itu pelajaran. Kehidupan itu kesempatan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan ke kita sebagai pembelajaran, bahwa kita hidup engga sendiri. Tuhan menciptakan manusia untuk saling mengisi, saling member, saling menghargai, saling menyayangi dan saling menerima.
Perbedaan di kehidupan memeberikan sebuah arti masing – masing. Banyak yang mensyukuri perbedaan itu adapun yang menyesali perbedaan itu.
Jujur, aku menjadi tambah dewasa seiring jalan nya waktu, seiring bertambahnya pelajaran tentang kehidupan, tentang kesabaran, tentang keihklasan, tentang gimana cara bersyukur dan yang paling penting tentang gimana kita memutuskan sesuatu.
Nulis postingan kali ini aku merasa sedikit ingin mengeluarkan air mata, aku baru sadar betapa Tuhan menyayangi aku. Betapa Tuhan adil dalam memberikan sesuatu. Oiya sebenernya aku selalu mendapat pembelajaran dari film, aku emang ga suka baca tapi film bisa membuat pemikiran ku berbeda dan berubah kea rah yang baik.
Balik lagi ke topic, it’s about life, ini tentang hidup dan aku ingin sekali menceritakan ke kalian betapa Tuhan itu adil, Tuhan memberi cobaan selalu berdasarkan kemampuan kamu. Tuhan selalu memberikan kelemahan diballik kelebihan kamu. Itu semata – mata untuk kamu mensyukuri diri kamu sendiri. Semua orang itu istimewa.
Di umur 17 tahun ini aku baru merasakan yang namanya hidup. Dimana aku merasakan kebahagiaan dan kesedihan. Sedih?? Yaa aku suka merasa sedih di satu sisi tapi aku selalu bahagia dengan kesedihan ku. Aku pernah merasa kecewa dengan Tuhan, aku merasa Tuhan selalu memberikan ku cobaan. Itulah titik dimana aku sangan down. Aku merasa tidak memiliki siapa – siapa.
Waktu itu aku terserah herpes, penyakit yang disebabkan virus yang menyerang saraf ku di muka sebelah kanan. Sebagai perempuan aku sangat sedih, jujur aku terlihat jelek bahkan aku sangat ingat cara melihat pacar ku waktu pertama kali dia melihat ku dengan muka buruk ku itu. Dia menatap aku heran dan gabisa berkata kata setelah itu dia lebih memilih berbicara dengan temannya. Jujur, aku bener – bener terpukul, aku merasa kehilangan. Cantik? Pacar? Harta? Itu hilang dalam sekejap. Aku ngerasa ga berguna, aku kesel dan jujur aku males melakukan ibadah.
Tapi kehilangan 3 hal yang dulu paling aku jaga sekarang aku punya banyak temen yang ga melihat ku dari background ku mereka menerima aku apa adanya, walaupun aku ga hidup seberkecukupan dulu aku merasa bersyukur memiliki keluarga seperti ini.
Mungkin kalau aku menceritakan apa arti hidup menurut aku, itu gabakal selesai karena kehidupan itu ga seperti di film yang selalu ada ending nya, ending dari kehidupan kita itu kematian.
November 22, 2011
just write
is it day? or evening? just forget, i just want to greet my blog's reader.
hi everyone, i feel it's a long time for me to not write/posting in my 'CC', actually i'm confused what i want to tell you. hmm okay maybe this story begin from this
They are my friends who always play with me all day and always make me wanna laugh for a long time, on fact it's not complete. Hem okay first, we usually called our name with 'Gecul' (gembel unyu dan ucul) hahaha actually it's just a joke at the first time but because we want make it easy for called, we named it Gecul. Theres tweleve people in our 'geng?', big no! we are not a geng we are just a best friend who always spend a time together. Their name are amanda, arini, azmi, gardy, indra & his girl whose name dea, mamat/mance& his girl whose name yeni, me (rika), sally and moudy/vinkan. And on the place where i took the photo it's a place where we always spend a time on school.
big hug for all of you guys
hi everyone, i feel it's a long time for me to not write/posting in my 'CC', actually i'm confused what i want to tell you. hmm okay maybe this story begin from this
Place which we go together :
> mostly in front of mosque
> mostly in arini's house
> my house
> sally's house
> amanda's house
> moudy's house
> margo city, detos, dtc
> swimming pool (i forget the name og the place)
> pelabuhan ratu
> pasir putih ( but i dont )
> bu enung's house and etc i'm forget because anywhere and anytime if with gecul i always feel happy and forget my problem i just want to say to gecul :
" You all guys, make me know friend don't look someone from their past, their face but look from their heart"
big hug for all of you guys
November 05, 2011
November 03, 2011
the tourist
i've been watch a film which named the tourist. I think this is real a sweet comedy, at the first time i watched it it hink this is an action movie, truly i'm get bores at the first time eventough Angelina Jolie look sexy and magnificent. And i really admire her lips its really sexy when she talks to Jhonny Depp.
In this film angelina jolie whose act as Elise ward is englis and Jhonny Dep whose act as Frank on fact is Alexander Pearce sucsessful make me confuse with the story.
Start from the Elise who always protected by police and at the time there's a letter for her which said that she must to go to venice, italia and must tou search a man who look like Alexander Pearce, her boyfriend. And at the train she choose to sit with Frank, a mathematic's teacher.
They spend a night in a same hotel and convincing the police if Frank is Alexander. Short story when the Shaw ( lead of gangster which chase Alexander too because he has a debts of 2,3 bilion dollar) hostaged Elise, Frank who on the boat with the inspector very afraid if Shaw hurting Elise. So he goes to the place where the Shaw hostaged Elise, and he said if he is Alexander, Elise not believe if Frank is Alexander because Frank is just a Tourist whom she met on the train. Luckly, the inspector give command to the other police to shoot to the Shaw. And finnally just Elise know that Frank is the real Alexander.
In this film angelina jolie whose act as Elise ward is englis and Jhonny Dep whose act as Frank on fact is Alexander Pearce sucsessful make me confuse with the story.
Start from the Elise who always protected by police and at the time there's a letter for her which said that she must to go to venice, italia and must tou search a man who look like Alexander Pearce, her boyfriend. And at the train she choose to sit with Frank, a mathematic's teacher.
They spend a night in a same hotel and convincing the police if Frank is Alexander. Short story when the Shaw ( lead of gangster which chase Alexander too because he has a debts of 2,3 bilion dollar) hostaged Elise, Frank who on the boat with the inspector very afraid if Shaw hurting Elise. So he goes to the place where the Shaw hostaged Elise, and he said if he is Alexander, Elise not believe if Frank is Alexander because Frank is just a Tourist whom she met on the train. Luckly, the inspector give command to the other police to shoot to the Shaw. And finnally just Elise know that Frank is the real Alexander.
when Elise hostaged
when frank said if he is Alexander and try to protect Elise
if you have not watched this movie, I suggest to buy this movie and watch it immediately, you will feel the same confusion with me. I am waiting for the story from you !
October 31, 2011
i'm the birthday girl!
October 29, 1994 is the date which i was born.
And two days ago is October 29, 2011 soo i have a birthday. At the morning i just thinking that all of my friend forget about my birthday, there's not message on my phone, no birth greeting on 12 o'clock like when i am 16 years old.
I really remember my 16 years old birth. I get three surprise and i'm soo happy with that, i get a lot of birthday greet, a special birthday's greet from my lovely exbf, his name is ardi. Eventhough i do not love him anymore but i just want him too say 'happy birthday' to me.
That day, there's a event on my school. They called it 'bulan bahasa'. When i arrived on my school, i get alot "happy birthday' words. But on fact i do not really happy with that, there's two boys which i miss the most dont give that word too me. Their name is ardi and a'ibe.
Okay forget that, even i tell you many times about my disappoitment its cannot change anything. Soo i just want to say a lot of thanks to my bf in my school, we called our name "Gecul". Spend a lot time with Gecul is the best gift for me. In the morning on the school, In the day we play in Moudy's house and on the night we're attended kalista's party and go back to my house again.
And than i'm really really shocked when my friend from my old school come to my house on Sunday. They come when i slept, and when i woke up i really shocked, theres rara astrid bagus and harianto on my house bring a donuts and a big red candle. I cannot say anything when they sing a birthsong. And then we go to the Margocity, hang out together.
And two days ago is October 29, 2011 soo i have a birthday. At the morning i just thinking that all of my friend forget about my birthday, there's not message on my phone, no birth greeting on 12 o'clock like when i am 16 years old.
I really remember my 16 years old birth. I get three surprise and i'm soo happy with that, i get a lot of birthday greet, a special birthday's greet from my lovely exbf, his name is ardi. Eventhough i do not love him anymore but i just want him too say 'happy birthday' to me.
That day, there's a event on my school. They called it 'bulan bahasa'. When i arrived on my school, i get alot "happy birthday' words. But on fact i do not really happy with that, there's two boys which i miss the most dont give that word too me. Their name is ardi and a'ibe.
Okay forget that, even i tell you many times about my disappoitment its cannot change anything. Soo i just want to say a lot of thanks to my bf in my school, we called our name "Gecul". Spend a lot time with Gecul is the best gift for me. In the morning on the school, In the day we play in Moudy's house and on the night we're attended kalista's party and go back to my house again.
And than i'm really really shocked when my friend from my old school come to my house on Sunday. They come when i slept, and when i woke up i really shocked, theres rara astrid bagus and harianto on my house bring a donuts and a big red candle. I cannot say anything when they sing a birthsong. And then we go to the Margocity, hang out together.
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