November 22, 2011

just write

is it day? or evening? just forget, i just want to greet my blog's reader.
hi everyone, i feel it's a long time for me to not write/posting in my 'CC', actually i'm confused what i want to tell you. hmm okay maybe this story begin from this

They are my friends who always play with me all day and always make me wanna laugh for a long time, on fact it's not complete. Hem okay first, we usually called our name with 'Gecul' (gembel unyu dan ucul) hahaha actually it's just a joke at the first time but because we want make it easy for called, we named it Gecul. Theres tweleve people in our 'geng?', big no! we are not a geng we are just a best friend who always spend a time together. Their name are amanda, arini, azmi, gardy, indra & his girl whose name dea, mamat/mance& his girl whose name yeni, me (rika), sally and moudy/vinkan. And on the place where i took the photo it's a place where we always spend a time on school.

Place which we go together :
> mostly in front of mosque
> mostly in arini's house
> my house
> sally's house
> amanda's house
> moudy's house
> margo city, detos, dtc
> swimming pool (i forget the name og the place)
> pelabuhan ratu
> pasir putih ( but i dont )
> bu enung's house and etc i'm forget because anywhere and anytime if with gecul i always feel happy and forget my problem i just want to say to gecul :

" You all guys, make me know friend don't look someone from their past, their face but look from their heart"

big hug for all of you guys

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