January 22, 2013

O2B Giveaway !

What is O2B?

"O2B (O double B) is an abbreviation from Online Brands Bank - a unique place as your imagery 24 hours mall" 

And now O2B collaborates with Fashion Geek's Closet (FGC) hold a giveaway. 

So, there the information which i quoted from Fashion Geek's Closet.

To win a shopping voucher worth IDR 200.000 :(2winners)

1. Like O2B Facebook 

2. Follow - @InfoO2B & @wynneprasetyo

3. Go to www.obb-indonesia.com - click "Subscribe!"

4. Mention minimum 3 times @wynneprasetyo & @InfoO2B, format: "I have joined the contest at (link the post contest at the blog you join)!Get free Blackberry Davis & 20$ Shopping Voucher - (Your name)

5. Comment in this post with your name, email, and the links of your tweets. One person one comment.

To win the grand prize of Blackberry Davis:

1. Repeat step (4) on Mention minimum 5 times during the course of this giveaway. The more you tweet, the bigger your chance of winning!

2. Put down the links of all your tweets in your Comment in this post. One person one comment.

3. You will find a number of other bloggers holding the same giveaway (NatzcrackerSuperniceA Little PrincessMissing Bee, and Nine in the Afternoon) but to win the grand prize you can only sign up in one blog. Participation in more than one blog will render you ineligible to win the grand prize.

Giveaway is live from January 20 to February 9.
Winners of shopping vouchers and grand prize will be announced on February 11.

I have been a part of this giveaway. what about you? 

By the way i must to say thank you for Wynne who share this giveaway in her blog. Thankyou Wynne.

Opps, almost forgot to tell you guys, for more info you can click here . or maybe just see on my twitter @octorikamanda  . 

See you guys :)


  1. Hi Oktorika! Thank you for joining the giveaway! I was inputting you to the participants list and wondering why your 29 tweets didn't come up in my mentions and realized that it was because your tweet did not mention @wynneprasetyo, despite having followed the format. i'm afraid in order for your tweets to be regarded you need to be mentioning @wynneprasetyo and especially @infoo2b. :( kindly repeat the tweets and i'll input those with the mentions so you're cleared to be in the run! :)



    1. omg, i just forget to mentioning you. okay, i will repeat all of my tweet.

      sorry :(


thanks for your comment.