September 08, 2012

Another Girl!

Selain Amanda Setfried, ada satu bintang lagi yang aku kagumi. Yang satu ini aku tahu dari film nya yang berjudul 500 Days Of Summer.

Kamu pasti tau dia.

Yupp Zooey Deschanel.

She's cute and humoris.

Banyak yang bilang dia itu mirip Katy Perry, 

Are they twins?

No they just have a same smile, eyes and nose.


Lanjut tentang Zooey. Zooey has appeared in such films as (500) Days of Summer, Our Idiot Brother, Yes Man (opposite Jim Carrey), Elf (opposite Will Farrell), Your Highness, The Happening (opposite Mark Wahlberg), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and is the star of the FOX sitcom New Girl.

She's got her talent from her parents. Mary Jo Deschanel and her father, Caleb Deschanel.

Coba kalian tonton aja dulu film-film Zooey pasti kalian akan suka dengan dia. She's really cute.

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